{"success":1,"msg":"","color":"rgb(28, 35, 49)","title":"Gibbs sampling in the analysis of priors for almost exchangeable data<\/b>","description":"webinar","title2":"","start":"2021-03-19 17:00","end":"2021-03-19 18:00","responsable":"Pierpaolo De Blasi <\/i><\/a>","speaker":"Andrea Ottolini (Standford University, USA)","id":"30","type":"webinar","timezone":"Europe\/Rome","activity":"https:\/\/us02web.zoom.us\/j\/83130864007?pwd=Z2dGbHVsWHJMMG9iaTJFb2VMcExqQT09\r\nMeeting ID: 831 3086 4007\r\nPasscode: 222589\r\n","abstract":"Consider a population of N individuals divided into d subgroups (e.g., d=4 and people are divided by sex and smoking habits). A sequence of 0-1 valued experiments on the population with outcomes X_1,..., X_n is called partially exchangeable if the only relevant information in the data is the number of 1's in each category. de Finetti's representation result guarantees that the distribution of the X's (for n<>1). It will be shown that A^2 steps are necessary and sufficient to mix in a certain Wasserstein distance, with constants depending on few spectral parameters of the network C. This is based on joint work with Gerencs?r."}